Research Staff
- Piyoosh Kumar Singh, Scientist B & Officer In-Charge
- Manoj K Das, Ex. Scientist E & Consultant
- M Rajesh Kumar Rao, Technical Officer
- Vijay Om Gupta, Lab technician
- N K Shukla, Lab technician
- Dipak Kumar Mallick, Technician C
In order to find solution to control vector borne diseases, a Field Unit (FU) was opened at Itki, Ranchi in April 2006. The primary objective of the FU was to develop an eco-friendly, cost effective and sustainable intervention technology for the control of tribal malaria and other vector borne diseases in Jharkhand state with the mandate to study the prevalence of vector species and transmission dynamics of malaria in the state, clinical drug trials, malaria disease burden estimation including malaria in pregnancy, malaria epidemiology and control, filariasis survey in Jharkhand state to prepare a filarial map and formulate the strategy for the control of filariasis, mapping of insecticide resistance of malaria vector in Jharkhand state and identification of malaria transmission risk factors in problematic districts of Jharkhand, establishment of larvivorous fish hatcheries of Gambusiaaffinis, Poecilliareticulata and local larvivorous fishes, to study the prevalence of G-6-PD deficiency and other genetic disorders in tribal population of the state, identification of foci of kala-azar and the reasons for its persistence in SanthalPargana (Sahibganj, Pakur, Dumka and Godda), to evaluate and develop effective interventions against vector borne diseases appropriate to the needs of local area and to provide technical support to the NVBDCP, such as in malaria investigations, training, IEC etc.
The FU operates from three places i.e. 1) IDVC, Field unit, Itki, Ranchi 2) Rajendra Institute of Medical science (RIMS), Ranchi (clinical drug trials unit) and 3) Model Rural Health Research Unit, at CHC Angara, Ranchi
ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research Field Unit
Old Directorate Building
RCH Campus, Namkum
Jharkhand-834010, India.
Email: drpksingh45[at]